Transition Services
To assist FISD students with IEPs to become contributing members of the community through instruction, training, employment, and self-advocacy.
To partner with the community to expand post-secondary pathways, access resources, and embrace the fundamental need for diversity and inclusion.
Transition services are for students with disabilities ages 18-21 who reside in FISD and have a current Individual Education Plan (IEP), have completed their high school program, and are seeking support in skills necessary for adult life.
In high school graduation requirements have been completed, students may participate in high school graduation ceremonies and receive a certificate of accomplishment. The student's diploma is presented when the student completes all FISD services.
FAMILY ENGAGEMENT - Build the capacity of families by establishing a support network, increase knowledge of services and supports, and facilitate interagency collaboration.
COMMUNITY & PARTNERSHIP- Collaborative partnership to pave the way for equity and opportunities where students of all abilities are able to interact with peers in a meaningful manner.
COLLEGE ADVISING- Advising services, consultation regarding the college process, & IEP services & support for all high school students.
WORK-RELATED TRAINING- Provide opportunities to participate in a learning experience that combines classroom & community instruction in partnership with business & industry employers.