Child Find
A district's coordinated process to ensure that all children residing within the district who have disabilities, birth through 21 years of age, regardless of the severity of their disabilities, and who are in need of special education and related services are identified, located, and evaluated.
In addition to students enrolled in the public schools, the Child Find duty applies to homeless children, children who are wards of the state, children attending private schools, highly mobile children (including migrant children), and children who are suspected of being in need of special education but who are advancing from grade to grade.
TEA Child Find Duty Quick Guide (pdf)
Do you suspect your child has a disability?
How to request an evaluation Please find your child's campus information at the bottom left of the screen under Child Find Campus Contact.
Do you suspect your child has a disability?
How to request an assessment Find's your child campus information in the bottom left of the screen under Child Find Campus Contact.
Requests for a full and individual evaluation may be made by a parent, the district, TEA, or another state agency. During the Referral Process, appropriate personnel will obtain information in the area(s) of suspected disability. This group of school district personnel, with the input of parents, will determine if evaluation is necessary to determine if there is a disability. When needed, appropriate personnel will evaluate formally in the area(s) of suspected disability and informally in all other required areas.
If an evaluation is completed, the parent and staff will meet an Admission, Review, Dismissal (ARD) meeting to discuss the results of the evaluation, any special education eligibility, and whether the student is in need of specially designed instruction via special education services and supports.
The presence of a disability and a significant educational need are required for a student to qualify for special education services/supports. Disabilities include:
- Autism (AU)
- Deaf-Blindness (DB)
- Deaf / Hard of Hearing* (DHH) -formerly Auditory Impairment
- Emotional Disturbed (ED)
- Intellectual Disability (ID)
- Multiple Disabilities (MD)
- Noncategorical Early Childhood (NCEC)
- Orthopedic Impairment (OI)
- Other Health Impairment (OHI)
- Specific Learning Disability (LD)
- Speech or Language Impairment (SI)
- Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
- Visual Impairment* (VI)
*from birth
Students who qualify for special education services and supports receive them at no cost to parents as part of a free and appropriate public education.
Educational Diagnostician, Liliana Moyers
915-765-2690 ext 1404