Communities in Schools
The mission of Communities In Schools (CIS) in Fabens ISD is to surround students with a community of support, empowering students to stay in school and achieve in life. The CIS model is designed to keep students persisting in education and ultimately graduate from high school. CIS partners with educators, students, and parents to identify the specific needs of students who are at-risk of dropping out of school. Once needs are identified, CIS customizes supports for students and families and provides individual case management services to help students fully engage in learning, involving the community as part of this process. CIS monitors student level data and tracks education outcomes for those students served. CIS in Texas has six components:
Health and human services - including mental health and basic needs
Supportive guidance and counseling - both individual and group, and crisis response
Parental and family engagement - including home visits and consultation
Academic enhancement and support - including tutoring and extended learning time
College and career awareness - including preparation and transition
Enrichment activities - including mentoring and school engagement activities
Joseph Reyes
Fabens Elementary School
Virgina Hernandez
O'Donnell Intermediate School
Itzel Herrera
Fabens Middle School
Raquel Ostos
Fabens High School