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Smart Snacks, Competitive Foods & Fundraisers

Competitive Foods

Competitive foods are foods or beverages sold during the school day that are in competition with the federally reimbursable meal programs. . Examples of competitive foods include foods and beverages, including those sold during the school day in vending machines, snack bars, or as fundraisers.  The sale of food and/or beverage includes all direct or indirect sales such as cash, credit transactions, tokens, tickets, or donations.


Fundraisers that include food and beverage items that do not meet the Competitive Food Nutrition Standards, and are intended to be consumed at school, must be sold outside the school day or on exempt days only. The school day begins at midnight and ends 30 minutes after the official school day ends.

Exempt Days

Exempt days are established by local policies listed on the district's Wellness Plan.

Exceptions to the Competitive Food and Beverage Nutrition Standards

* Accommodating students with special needs

* Competition locations and other events are exempt if a National School Lunch/Breakfast program meal is not provided as part of the event

* Food and/or beverages brought from home or food is given to students

* Food and/or beverages that parents provide for their own children's lunches or snacks

* Food and/or beverages that are given to students at no charge.  This includes, but is not limited to, food and/or beverages provided for birthday parties or special events

* Fundraising activities that include the ordering and distribution of food and/or beverages not intended to be consumed during the school day on the school campus.  This includes ordering food items that will be picked up at a later time in the future.  Typically, these food items need further preparation before they can be served (i.e., cookie dough, frozen sausage)

* Food and/or beverages used as rewards for good behavior or grades are not considered a sale to the student. 

USDA Smart Snacks Guide

More information can be found at

Smart Snack Calculator