Thank you for choosing Fabens ISD Child Nutrition Services to cater your next event.
Due to demand and purchasing constraints, catering events must have a 2 weeks advance notice before the event.
Requests for catering must be submitted in writing to the cafeteria manager or director. Catering forms are available on the “documents” tab or with any campus cafeteria manager.
The forms must contain all the pertinent information (date and time of service, location, menu choices, and # of participants) and must be approved by an administrator/principal.
Child Nutrition services require a minimum of three working days' notice when canceling any event. If cancellation does not meet this deadline, a 40% restocking fee will be charged.
Please have a serving table available for catering use at the service site.
Once catering has been completed, please submit a check request with the invoice/catering request (all signatures) for payment within 5 days of the event.